Monday, December 19, 2011

The Message This Holiday Season

The Message this Holiday Season I have found to be this.....

The Grinches and Scrooges of the world need our love more than our need to not get hurt or rejected by them. Love beyond the capacity you have, and forgive because you don't have a right to judge the wrongs of others, let God handle that. You  don't bring  justice to the table by holding a grudge or being cold back. Our pride or self-righteousness can only more perpetuate the brokeness of eachother. Stunned by our ability to hold a similar cruelty, we stand in our own hypocrisy. When we shunn these kinds of people we find within ourselves a discontentment, because we are always called to love, not hate. Remember that for the Scrooges and Grinches we know in our lives, something at some point happened to make them that way, people were not just born that way.  Sometimes the trials and tribulations of life make people grow bitter. But we are all the same, we are all humans who think and feel . Believe that the simple things like showing kindness can make  even the hardest of hearts soft again.

Hope you find the true meaning of Christmas. Love one another as God loves you. 

* Drea   Kelly*

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