Monday, November 7, 2011

Destiny vs. Fear

What is this aggressive force that keeps us from becoming who we are destined to be? Fear intertwined with a  basic human need  gone corrupted. A  basic need is acceptance, but we place our need for acceptance in people who will never let who we really are be enough.  Like square pegs trying to fit in round holes we try to live up to standards and roles that are so far from our true inner nature.  We live our lives for people who value little being true to yourself. It's not their fault .. no one ever accepted them for who they really are. They don't know how to give full acceptance to others. We are told this isn't a good idea, " you're not smart enough" , that's a silly dream.  We are comfortable, yet unhappy when we live for others. BUT think about it. This is YOUR life and at the end of the days others words are just voices. Separate yourself from them and live in the freedom of who you are. The real you is important to God, he created you to be unique not to fit a cookie cutter idea of who we should be.  Through trully being ourselves and expressing our talents and gifts we live a life of passion and joy and in the process better the world. Any time someone tries to stand up for something they really believe in or chase a dream it is persecuted, but push past that persecution and you will find destiny. Destiny ... greater than our need to be accepted  is to live out our purpose.  Hope this inspires you to overcome :).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! No more square peg in a round hole. Acceptance of self is the first step in moving forward <3

