Thursday, June 9, 2011

Faith or Defeat

Hi ..  my name is Andrea and i'm a recovering catholic. Religiosity you get a thumbs down in my book lately, some religious members of figure heads can really bring ppl down and turn ppl against God, they are not representative of who God really is. Boo on them ... i'm sorry if you've ever been a victim, but you don't have to be anymore. If there is one thing i know about God it is this ...
Dios está cerca de los quebrantados de corazón. Su amor les trae la paz.  

We know the goodness and realness of God not through just a relgious institution, but through things that are unseen like love, healing, and gifts which come through prayer.
Just practicing my spanish and laughing in the face of life's absurity . If you wanna be perfect in life you have to allow some chaos and madness into your life! It's part of being human , in case you forgot what that means. Once something drains you ... its a sign its already defeating you, so either get rid of it all together or work around it.

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