Friday, September 9, 2011

The Gift of Speech

Last night the power was out in all of SD county. I was planning to go to  a church event which was almost an hour away with a friend. I felt defeated in my efforts, we canceled the trip because the outage created so much traffic. It ended up still being a great night. I went to a bible study with my friend, there was music and everyone was sharing stories. There was a guy in a wheelchair who had a speech problem. When he would speak it looked like he had to exert so much energy to muster even a sentence.His message was so sweet, simple, and honest. He was talking about how in conversations it's on us to communicate or not communicate, it's a choice that can act like a chain. He said he gets scared sometimes to bring up issues, because the conversation could not go in favor if he does. Those relationships that he cherishs he hesitates more to communicate. Although the man in the wheelchair had a serious speech problem, he still sees the importance of it, he still struggles to speak up too and realizes how fear is paralyzing. The choice to communicate should not be taken for granted, we should use it, because some people in the world do not even have the gift of speech.

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