Words of encouragement someone gave me from a vision:
I see you running with the strong. As your running it's hot out and the steam is rising, but even though there's a lot of heat your still running right through. But you're not alone, your running with other strong runners. It's a metaphor for training, these runners have trained hard to be good at what they do. Much like how whatever you do your going to be good at. Whenever people are given an authority in life it's because they've either walked a righteous path or a dark path (and come out of it), but either way they have knowledge and training in that arena. While your running, you keep stopping for water breaks. Who are the people or places in your life that are like water breaks? You don't drink water at the end of a race, but during to get you through to keep you running strong so you don't stop or collapse. You've got to stay hydrated or you won't finish the race, you will get too exhausted. The idea of self-sufficiency is that we don't need water breaks , when we think we can handle everything and don't reach for our resources ( God, community, mentors, etc.) , that's when we fall. What makes us weak and what makes us strong is not what you think.
wow. <3