Friday, November 11, 2011

Normal is Beautiful

  Recently,  i was my own guniea pig for a class project in my nutrition class. For two weeks I was on the atkins, and although i stuck to it , the diet honestly made me crazy.  Pre- diet, I really felt fine about my relationship with food, weight and everything.  Biochemically our body sends out stress hormones in times of hunger or starvation. Stress makes us mental, it makes us want to control everything around us! All of a sudden once on a diet i had obsessive thoughts about food and  felt failure when i didn't comply 100% with the diet rules. It brought on a strange fear of consuming and a desire to lose more and more weight, even though i was already was losing. What started out to be a harmless experiment for school triggered a slew of bad past habits and mindsets.  I can see how dieting triggers eating disorders. Without dieting my body image is actually more positive. Off the diet now, and back to a good relationship with food and body image. :)

Normal is beautiful. Today while i spent some time by myself getting things together for my next photoshoot I started to think about body-image. In the fashion world they put these bony skinny women on a pedistal. But what about the woman with curves? Why not put normal on a pedistal. If other women  see more real-life sized women in magazines, then they wouldn't feel so horrible about their normal size.  I appreciate the photographers out there who work with models who are not rail thin. No one can tell me I can't model, that i'm not thin enough. It's honestly disgusting if someone did tell me that, it's a warped and shallow mindset. I'd have to shave off half a hip to be as tiny as them runway models. This is the way i was created. I deserve to be at peace with that.  I don't need to torture myself to be beautiful. Many women are self-abusive , trying to meet these societal standards of thin. While inquiring a dietitian , people want to know, how much to eat, what to eat.  The answer is this .. just love yourself and your body , eat when your hungry, stop when your full. Feed yourself things that will give health... mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Balancing and nourishing all these levels ..that's whats called normal, that's what's called beautiful.

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