Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Good life

Gloss Boutique shopping spree!

Zen 5 Sushi

You don't have to be a millionaire to have it all. Today my friend Sarah and I went adventuring around PB and ate good food and spent time enjoying the simple pleasures of life. At the same time, there are some people in life who will never be happy with their lives because they are too busy trying to become rich or  gain power and prestige that they never take time to appreciate the simple beauty in life.  Giving encouragement to others, showing kindness and empathy, drawing meaningful human connections with others are more important than the things we own or how much we can control our lives.... in fact i believe when we are living out our true purposes it has the ability to push us through the hardest of times. Its ok to allow yourself a shopping spree or a good meal every now and then. Experience the pleasures of life  ... we are sensing beings we need to touch, taste and see things! Don't work too hard or live too fast. Just keep your feet on the ground, balance, find your passions .. . then happiness is on your path.

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