Saturday, July 28, 2012

Under Cloudy Skies

Tonight  I tried to find my way out of the fog.... sometimes  in life we just hit a  fog ... where we can't understand where we're going or why the things that have come to pass have happened... a fog is when we can't find the peace that life works itself out.  As  christian, to me it is .. I can't find peace with the fact that God can work things out in  spite this broken world.  I  trust  God, but I'm not so sure about people anymore. God's ability to work through people depends on a person's responsiveness, but then other times it just seems so  random. It's not my job to  know God's plan, but to let his will change me by continuing to walk with him even in the fog.  How many of my dreams have I needed to throw away? All of them. To be honest I don't even know if they have been  good dreams ... have they been all about me and less about God? I wish I could sit with God and hear his voice more loudly, but I can't right now. Fog occurs for a reason. When clouds can no longer hold water it causes a supersaturation. As ugly as it is even in meteorology it is considered a  "phenomenon". All that is in the universe has a function and  can be considered beautiful, it just depends on your perspective.

Tonight the sky was foggy, but despite the fog i could still  see the stars dimming in and out. I felt like God was saying, your faith in me is dimming in this fog. Even when i can't see in the fog will my hope still be bright? God, is  as consistent as the presence of the stars.. so will i be consistent?

I don't have to carry these things on my back ...because i know that my father has got it.  Despite what I feel or think " His dying breathe has brought me life."