Thursday, August 25, 2011

From the Bottom up

Why do insensitive people come into my life like leeches and try to suck the life out of me? When you already struggling to accomplish something difficult, they come to kick you down when you are at your weakest. And sometimes the people who bring us down the most are the ones who are the closest to us.  

I'm not giving up, no matter how hard ppl try to push me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Being assertive to the negative- Sarcasm or Sincerety?

This is  a follow up on my entry to healing the Wounds of Silence, i have new insights.  I wrote about my experience in the restaurant industry and how people can be so negative a rude. What i have found is there is a better approach than what i have been practicing. That how i choose to be can only perpetuate the environment i am in. When we don't communicate effectively, it puts barriers between people. Lets compare the two approaches

A sincere approach entails assertiveness. Assertiveness is about speaking up for yourself with respect both for yourself and the person with whom you are speaking. How to be properly assertive takes practice and is an art.  Every moment or opportunity to practice being assertive adds more confidence to your willingness to employ assertiveness the next you need it. The truth is even managers, parents and authority figures need to be told in an assertive fashion when they are out of line , no one no matter what position they are in should treat anyone else less than human. Verbal abuse can even legally be reported as a form of harassment today, if it hinders a worker's job performance. You can't continue to do nothing. You must be persistent until you get results. People won't change if you never call things to their attention, confrontation is necessary in life. You can't keep running or hope that things will go away on their own. You have the power of your voice. A good example of assertive communication would be empathizing, non-condemning, and direct addressment of an issue.

An easy indirect way to cut people off and down is sarcasm. I randomly found  Linda Tillman's blog, a clinical pyschologist who writes about communication assertiveness, and sarcasm ... here is what she said about sarcasm:  

"In many families, sarcasm is a style of humor tolerated by the family members to the point that it feels harmless and “normal.”  If this were true in your family of origin, you may resort to sarcasm, thinking that it is just a way to be funny.I tell my students that sarcasm is disrespectful and always involves a zinger against the other person.  They argue with me that sarcasm is harmless; that it’s expected in their family of origin; and that I must be mistaken.  I challenge them to give me any example of sarcasm that isn’t hurtful. 

They never can.  
Sarcasm can push others away and is a way of controlling others . It controls the amount of connection you allow when you distance through sarcasm. If sarcasm is about poking another person using humor as the jab, bullying takes this to another level, shaming and putting another person down in the worst way one can.  Bullying involves controlling another person through the use of put-downs."

Falling underneath the same category  is aggressive communication.  When we lash out, raise our voice, or  indirectly adress issues. We only set up more boundaries between others, our situation is never helped.

So forgive. Everyone is human. No one really wants a hostile environment, people just want to be respected. Take some time out to muster up the energy and courage it takes to be humble.  Just because it is popular to be sarcastic or aggressively assert ourselves does not make it good or healthy. It takes time to get it right and assert ourselves properly. BUT It's always better to say something is better than saying nothing. Fortunately for me i am not a naturally sarcastic or extremely witty person so it really forces me to take a second look at my approach towards a person's negativity.

The more you assert yourself, the more confidence you have. :) Remember that when people are insensitive or rude, part of it is learned, and they are most likely doing it unconsciously. You can stand up and still be respectful to others and yourself at the same time.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Pursuit of God- The Gift of Having Nothing

Today i was in church and the priest brought up  amazing points about pursuing God and who God is. I can't remember which part in the bible it was it's a story about a woman who comes to God for help. Even the disciplines themselves did not want to help the woman, they treated her like an outsider and didn't consider her a child of God. God had more compassion than even people in the story. I think this is an important concept to get especially when we feel far away from God or that he doesn't love us. What separates us from understanding the immense degree of love that God has for us. Sure sin can be one answer, but the greater answer goes beyond that. It is living in the presence of God, knowing God, and having an intimiate enough relationship with God that we can experience a joy, love, and peace that are honestly the most satisfying feelings in our human exsistence . We live in two worlds .. the seen and the unseen. God does not dwell in things but in the heart and the soul, things of the unseen world. I am reading this book called the Pursuit of God by A.W Towzer. He makes clearer the lens in which we look at life. How to build a satisfying life and the veil which we all possess that prevents us from having it. I am not just on a philosophical hype about happiness. This is the truth i have known, experienced, and forgotten. We forget and lose focus on God because we get attached to these things, sometimes angry at God when we don't get what we want..

The cross is symbolic of the pain that people go through in life.  Only God can understand how deep the pain of being human runs, everytime ... all the time, you don't know what people are going through, God does.  So many times in life i have asked how can a God that loves us let us go through so much pain? Today at church the priest listed several reasons why we may feel like God rejects us . Like a wise Thai Chi master who rejects his student at first .. God rejects us ( not literally). He wants to see if we are serious about what we are doing. If faith was easy then everyone would have a strrong faith in God. So it begins a journey of perseverance.  letting the master you are dedicated and commited. Serveral things may get in the way, our attention is consumer by material things, relationships, and trials we are going through. We are going through a trial and angered because we don't understand, that is because we don't know God, nor does God reveal himself if we aren't pursuing. Certain material things or a relationship, these are all gifts that can be alll good, but go arye when we completley forget about our spiritual life. We must learn to give up our control and focus, sometimes the gift of having nothing makes it easier to know God better.  Once accepted Then the student and the master can train together more closely. He used the concept of perseverance thats how me must be in our pursuit toward God.

" At the cross you becken me , draw me gently to my knees. I am so lost for words. Lost in love. Sweetly broken,  holy surrender." -

" Love is a shelter in a raging storm. If we try to leave may God send angels to guard the door, love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for."

I feel as though God has been waiting on me all summer to make a move .. to pursue him more.  God must have something to say to me, because its evident he's been trying to catch my attention. How receptive are you, when God tells you to come closer? The divine whispers,  you must come closer to understand what it wants to tell you about your life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Balboa Island ... My Sanity Trip

The Empty Coffee Cup

The coffee cup is empty after a good long conversation with a friend. It’s time for Sarah to go home to Temecula. I don’t like  goodbyes. We went to the living room today for her last day in SD. I can laugh so hard with this girl and yet have deep meaningful conversation aswell. She radiates a joy that is infectious to those around her and is sensitive the humanness within others. Good friends are hard to come by and I know that I have found a true friend in her. Someone once told me something so true about people… “ You judge people based on the hard times, not the good.” Who will be there when it really counts and the going gets rough. When you are really struggling your real friends with be there to encourage you, not criticize you when you are feeling down. You can cry together, not alone because they know how what your going through feels. Thank you Sarah for being there through the stress, the highs and lows, you really helped me see the good through the valleys of life. Without friends I think I would not have made it this far. I hope we can be life long friends! I believe that friends really are Gods gift, I keep them close to my heart and I treasure them so much. Maybe its because there have been seasons in my life where i haven't had a good friend to be there. Those were the hardest of times of all. Every place that I have traveled on my journey friends have become like family. There are many people who will come into our lives and hurt us, we change, wrestle with lies, and  forget who we are sometimes in attempt to get the pieces back. But a real friend will remind us of who we are when we lose sight of it. :)