Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Window of Pain

     Window of Pain

          When a person's life is filled with so much pain, it inhibits their ability to relate and validate the pain of others . We draw upon a metaphor of  the  opaque window . The darkness in the window represents unresolved pain that clouds our view of others and the outside world.  It  becomes a layer of ignorance which clouds our eyes. We live in a world of insensitivity, and i never understood it.  We open ourselves up to the wrong people, someone who has not dealt with their own pain in life will not be empathetic, empathy requires connecting with our own pain. There are also those who won't empathize with anyone else unless it's a recognizable tragedy ( such as death) or equal to their own life tragedy. You can't compare scars, that not what they're there for. They are simply a mark of  human frailty and it looks different for every person.  Unfortunately, because of the window of pain people carry around, when someone tries to open up, when someone tries to heal, it becomes something which is labeled as weak. Like touching a hot stove when we reach for help from others, we get burnt. The people who carry the window of pain, can come in the form of our very own counselor, religious leader, the family member , the friend, the co-worker, people we trust and choose to be real  with. We give up and label ourselves as weak.  "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. - Isaiah 29:13.  I always thought the problem was just in me, but now i realize it is really in humanity.  The "window of pain" people adopt because of fear or too much pride to go to the weak place where pain exists.  

No one heals without compassion. People become hardened without it. We perpetuate each others brokenness by shutting off inside. Emotions and thoughts reflect something within the heart and soul that have a need unmet. But the more we are told that what we go through doesn't matter, the worse it becomes.  Moving forward, change, and growth does not occur from our trials and experiences until we can reconcile them.  If we try to stuff things down by neglect our thoughts and feelings, however ugly they may be, we can't let them guide us toward understanding. To move on from experiences which cause us burden which were difficult we derive meaning , lessons, and insight into our own nature. Someone gave me this metaphor. Jesus spoke in parables and metaphors so that people would understand the message he was trying to send people. In the bible it says but these people do not know me .. their hearts are hardened, they are far away. God exists within the heart hardened their hearts--so that their eyes cannot see, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and have me heal them. - John 14:20. In the process leaving those in search of healing and human connection hardened. Even those who know God turn away. But God is not people, he is above the ways of people.

  God is the surgeon, have no fear you are in safe hands. God says it is okay to grieve, to struggle. In the land of pain. a lack of reliance and surrender make it difficult to stay.Without him traveling to this place of pain  looks desolate, cloudy and hopeless. Why would anyone want to go there? It's  doesn't look appealing to me either.  Stay a little longer in this broken and empty land and you will, not only will you hear Gods voice , but  not only the voice of God but the voice of people who are close to God.

" Strippin’ away the layers and reveal your soul
Got to give yourself up and then you become whole
You're a slave to yourself and you don't even know
You want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow
If you're trying to stay high, bound to stay low
You want God but you can't deflate your ego"  - Matisyahu

The cost of unresolved pain takes shape in our culture.  The posterior of humanity is so messed up.  So far from our true nature. things like love, empathy forgiveness, communication have become an ability that not everyone has, rather than something we just DO.  We, a tangled humanity that is off balanced and knotted up need grace to get there, to find our way back to the way we really need to be living. A When Jesus walked the earth  he simply had this ability, because he did not hide, he was not insecure.  We are addicted and constantly in need of things to consume or  distract us. When we seek God out he reveals himself in a big way.

To the people. who hide behind there logic. You can do very little in life. You can't reach a broken world. A world of people in need however big or small their pain. So stop hiding behind your own window of pain and think that you shouldn't be compassionate toward others because the pain you've felt in your own life . The reason you cannot see anyone else's pain is because you are so filled with your own. Deal with your crap and let it surface.  Throw your pride out the window and the walls that separate, judge, or deny the  human condition .

Often times our understanding of ourselves is so limited. We have a hunch  about an experience of relationship in our life that has caused us burden but we can't let it go, or we can't get out of patterns of bad habits. We carry around weight. God sees the reasons we can't let it go, and to heal us they way no other person can . It requires us one thing, complete surrender to God

Jesus was a man of truth, who saw the hypocrisy within people . It is not the stoic, proud, strong-minded, leader,counselor, advice giver, authority figure ... whoever, that heals, but the sensitive wounded healer.  In the way that Jesus came to earth and experienced the pain of humanity, he did this so he could council us after his death, because he had empathy for the human condition by coming to earth. Through the holy spirit God heals and counsels as a wounded healer. God has a person hood, part of the most beautiful side of God is his intense desire to heal us.. When we sit as his feet and humble ourselves and say .. i can't and i need you.... that is when God begins to do work. We experience through God who understood human emotion and the human condition, came to the earth because he recognized our need. Even in writing this entry i have convinced my own self that this is the right way to approach life, with compassion and awareness of the inner life as mode of healing and moving forward, the world makes us second guess ourselves.

Against the world that shuts you out i hope you find God in a deep way. Every person has been through something. May God fill your unresolved wounds, empty your hands, and fill your heart once again.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Be authentic

"Be an authentic woman, be real. If you are not an authentic woman, your daughter won't be either. She will live a lie and wear a mask too. "   - From one wise woman to another.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Normal is Beautiful

  Recently,  i was my own guniea pig for a class project in my nutrition class. For two weeks I was on the atkins, and although i stuck to it , the diet honestly made me crazy.  Pre- diet, I really felt fine about my relationship with food, weight and everything.  Biochemically our body sends out stress hormones in times of hunger or starvation. Stress makes us mental, it makes us want to control everything around us! All of a sudden once on a diet i had obsessive thoughts about food and  felt failure when i didn't comply 100% with the diet rules. It brought on a strange fear of consuming and a desire to lose more and more weight, even though i was already was losing. What started out to be a harmless experiment for school triggered a slew of bad past habits and mindsets.  I can see how dieting triggers eating disorders. Without dieting my body image is actually more positive. Off the diet now, and back to a good relationship with food and body image. :)

Normal is beautiful. Today while i spent some time by myself getting things together for my next photoshoot I started to think about body-image. In the fashion world they put these bony skinny women on a pedistal. But what about the woman with curves? Why not put normal on a pedistal. If other women  see more real-life sized women in magazines, then they wouldn't feel so horrible about their normal size.  I appreciate the photographers out there who work with models who are not rail thin. No one can tell me I can't model, that i'm not thin enough. It's honestly disgusting if someone did tell me that, it's a warped and shallow mindset. I'd have to shave off half a hip to be as tiny as them runway models. This is the way i was created. I deserve to be at peace with that.  I don't need to torture myself to be beautiful. Many women are self-abusive , trying to meet these societal standards of thin. While inquiring a dietitian , people want to know, how much to eat, what to eat.  The answer is this .. just love yourself and your body , eat when your hungry, stop when your full. Feed yourself things that will give health... mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Balancing and nourishing all these levels ..that's whats called normal, that's what's called beautiful.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Destiny vs. Fear

What is this aggressive force that keeps us from becoming who we are destined to be? Fear intertwined with a  basic human need  gone corrupted. A  basic need is acceptance, but we place our need for acceptance in people who will never let who we really are be enough.  Like square pegs trying to fit in round holes we try to live up to standards and roles that are so far from our true inner nature.  We live our lives for people who value little being true to yourself. It's not their fault .. no one ever accepted them for who they really are. They don't know how to give full acceptance to others. We are told this isn't a good idea, " you're not smart enough" , that's a silly dream.  We are comfortable, yet unhappy when we live for others. BUT think about it. This is YOUR life and at the end of the days others words are just voices. Separate yourself from them and live in the freedom of who you are. The real you is important to God, he created you to be unique not to fit a cookie cutter idea of who we should be.  Through trully being ourselves and expressing our talents and gifts we live a life of passion and joy and in the process better the world. Any time someone tries to stand up for something they really believe in or chase a dream it is persecuted, but push past that persecution and you will find destiny. Destiny ... greater than our need to be accepted  is to live out our purpose.  Hope this inspires you to overcome :).

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Am i still the same?

There are times in our life where we try so hard to deal with life on our own terms that we cause more damage than anything else.  Why? We stop trusting God a blame him for the hard times in life .  We believe in a lie. One day we wake up and realize the things we have done. You  wonder if that girl that you once were is lost forever .. did the real you die in the process of coping with life? Sometimes we aren't very kind to ourselves, we harm the real us by pretending and muffling out our true inner voice.  After all this i have to ask the question am i still the same somewhere underneath? How does God see me? God's love is greater than the love we can offer ourselves. I wrote this poem.

Am i still the same?

My season of reflection
I was in need of correction
When i woke , i woke in pieces
To the debris i had made

Lead me through a time of change
I want to know that i can still lead a legacy
Say there's still honor after all the shame
Breathe your life back into me
Cause i've killed myself pushing you away
Cause i've been hearing but not listening
Holding on to nothing in the rain
Tell me you still see me
All the good things are still there
Before i fell

Out of breath now
Help me  to stand tall again.
I knew so much
I fell so hard
I need to open to heal
Well this is alot to feel
But everybody regrets

Your love
Greater than a heart that condems
I've turned against myself
Make me a friend again
Speaking up for the voice within
So young, innocent, lost my  voice long ago

Make me a friend again
Show me a love unchanged
Through all the cracks and pieces
Make me a friend again to myself
The real enemy is not my name

I wanted to speak but the world gave me pain
I forgot again , forgot again
help me to remember the voice, 

Please tell me am i still the same? 
I need a love unchanged.
